Thursday, 14 August 2008


Dad has been getting more and more tired. The tumour is no doubt growing aggressively and not in the direction of his voice box or windpipe, but it is growing somewhere.

He's been feeling particularly unwell the last 10 days with a mouth and throat infection. So he's been back at the Doctors for some antibiotics and the pills are making him feel pretty rough too. His throat's been very sore and so he's been trying not to speak to aggravate it.

Susie is going to Crail this weekend to see how he is. Graham was there last weekend and I was there the weekend before. I feel we're witnessing Dad's decline in weekend installments.
Dad may go back to Leeds with Susie for a while for a bit of looking after.

Mum has also been going downhill rapidly.Her last review meeting showed that the progression of her illness is rapid and (now) well documented. Fortunately, the Care Home is still able to meet her needs.
There's been a bit of trouble there though because Mum's watch and engagement ring have gone missing at the Care Home. The Police have been involved and are investigating further, but it is unlikely that either the watch or ring will turn up.

Dad is pretty upset about this. But he keeps up the visits to Mum every other day, while he can.

Keep sending kind thoughts. Dad appreciates kindnesses and support. He may not be up to speaking or visiting, but he's happy to know he's not forgotten.


Susie said...

Dad came down to Leeds to stay with me initially until 27th August, although have offered him to stay indefinately which he is not keen about yet as wants to be near Mum.
He can still talk although painful if for a long time.He has an infection and saw a GP in Leeds yesterday so has the potential to be a bit better than he is at the moment and have arranged the possibility of Macmillian nurse care here if he needs it this week.
Millie is being a right little superstar and has let him her Baa Baa( the most loved sheep in Yorkshire) and I am feeding him his favourites- they remain exotic!
This will be a cheery lazy week for him I promise!

Katys said...

Well done superstar